Marketing General Incorporated

Download Your Free Copy of the Association Economic Outlook Report!

2024 Association Economic Outlook Report

MGI is excited to share the results of the 2024 Association Economic Outlook Report.

Based on responses from over 350 associations, the Outlook Report provides a snapshot of how associations are capitalizing on a growing economy and reveals their proactive measures in preparation for future challenges.

Key highlights from the survey indicate:

  • Overall, Associations have a positive outlook for 2024, expecting increases in membership, renewals, and engagement.
  • 40% of associations expect their marketing budgets for the recruitment and engagement stages of the membership lifecycle to either increase or stay the same.
  • 61% of associations plan to only offer in-person events in 2024.
  • 32% of associations plan to hire additional staff in 2024.
  • Many associations plan to retain a distributed workforce model as an option for employees.

Download your free copy of the 2024 Association Economic Outlook Report.

About MGI

Marketing General Incorporated is the nation’s largest marketing agency working exclusively with membership associations. During the past 45 years, MGI has helped hundreds of associations and relationship-based organizations increase their membership and certificant bases, improve retention, enhance member engagement, grow dues and non-dues revenue, and gain new insights through market research and analysis.

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